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‘The Day After Will Be…’: New Collaborative Platform to Learn from the COVID-19 Crisis

The purpose of this initiative is to extract learning and promote changes to help accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


What will the day after the Covid-19 emergency be like? The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre promoted by “la Caixa”, together with a group of organisations committed to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has created the Spanish initiative “The Day After Will Be...” (El Día Después Será), a platform to foster dialogue about what can be learned from the crisis in the key areas of sustainable development.

Measures to curb the pandemic are causing rapid and profound changes in our society and economy. The new platform will analyse the situation we are all experiencing at the national and global levels, and will promote substantial changes that will begin the day after this crisis has ended.

Thus, the initiative will promote conversations – initially virtual – between researchers from different disciplines, political decision-makers, civil society organisations, companies and citizens to identify the changes that are already taking place and that could help accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Wednesday, 25 March, first open discussion

The first online disussion open to all citizens will take place next Wednesday, 25 March, at 4.00 p.m. (Spanish time) and will feature the participation of Cristina Monge (journalist), Rafael Vilasanjuan (Director of Analysis and Development at ISGlobal), Fernando Valladares (researcher) and José Moisés Martín (economist). It will be moderated by Leire Pajín, president of the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS) and Director of Global Development at ISGlobal. The discussion will be in Spanish.

All people, groups and organisations can participate live via this link.

“The Day After Will Be ...” arises from the joint initiative Acelera 2030, in which experts from various disciplines signed the Madrid Declaration to accelerate compliance with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The entities promoting the initiative are the Center for Technology Innovation for the Human Development of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (itdUPM); the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal); the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS) and Iberdrola.

You can view here the first event:

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