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Anna Bornioli

Anna Bornioli

Investigadora postdoctoral Clima, contaminació atmosfèrica, natura i salut urbana | Clima, contaminació atmosfèrica, natura i salut urbana

Anna Bornioli is a social scientist with a strong interest in health outcomes. Her research focuses on healthy urban places and policies to improve urban health. She is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow (MSCA-PF) working in the project REGENERATE (REstorative GENder-specific ExpeRiences in urbAn naTural Environments). The projectis exploring how urban greenspace can support psychological wellbeing whilst being gender-inclusive. 

Before joining ISGlobal, Anna was a Senior Future Fellow at the University of Surrey's Environmental Psychology Research Group (EPRG), funded by the Surrey Future Fellowship Scheme. She received my PhD in Transport Geography from the Centre for Transport and Society (University of the West of England) in 2018. Anna previously worked at the Centre for Public Health and Wellbeing (University of the West of England) and the Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

Línies de recerca

  • Urban greenspaces
  • Restorative environments
  • Gender
  • Healthy urban places
  • Benefits of nature exposure
  • 30km/h speed limits for public health

Publicacions principals

  • Bornioli, A., Hopkins-Doyle, A., Fasoli, F., Faccenda, G., Subiza-Pérez, M., Ratcliffe, E., & Beyazit, E. (2024). Sex and the city park: the role of gender and sex in psychological restoration in urban greenspaces. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 102476.
  • Bornioli, A., & Subiza-Pérez, M. (2022). Restorative urban environments for healthy cities: A theoretical model for the study of restorative experiences in urban built settings. Landscape Research, 1-12.
  • Subiza-Pérez, M., Pasanen, T., Ratcliffe, E., Lee, K., Bornioli, A., de Bloom, J., & Korpela, K. (2021). Exploring psychological restoration in favorite indoor and outdoor urban places using a top-down perspective. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 78, 101706.
  • Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G., & Morgan, P. L. (2018). The psychological wellbeing benefits of place engagement during walking in urban environments: A qualitative photo-elicitation study. Health & place, 53, 228-236.
  • Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G., and Morgan, P. (2018). The psychological wellbeing benefits of walking in different urban settings: an experimental study. Journal of Transport and Health, 9, 105-116.
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