Equip ISGlobal - Títol

Equip ISGlobal

Greta Schwabach

Greta Schwabach

Project Intern in the Policy and Global Development Department

As a student of Political Science and Public Administration at the Pompeu Fabra University, she has acquired a wide range of tools and knowledge about politics and society. Her academic studies are complemented by her training as an intern in various social projects and initiatives, the most notable being her participation in the project "Promoting Community Policing in Lebanon", funded by the European Union and led by the FIIAPP in collaboration with CIVIPOL.

She has a special interest in international relations and, given that our world is getting bigger and more culturally diverse, she is particularly interested in the major issues of the international system in political, legal and diplomatic matters, where many more actors and legal problems come into play. In search of new professional challenges, she is currently working as an intern in the Policy and Global Development Department of ISGlobal.

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