Equip ISGlobal - Títol

Equip ISGlobal

Stefan Sieber

Stefan Sieber

Postdoctoral Fellow Planificació urbana, medi ambient i salut

Stefan Sieber is a social and life course epidemiologist with a strong interest in health inequalities.
As part of his previous research experience, Stefan has developed expertise in the analysis of longitudinal data to investigate the long-term effects of childhood socioeconomic conditions on health in old age. He also investigates cross-national variations in these effects across European countries, taking into account the role of welfare policies.
Stefan successfully completed his PhD at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, in 2021, and further enhanced his expertise through a postdoctoral position at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
At ISGlobal, Stefan is part of the CATALYSE project (Climate Action to Advance Healthy Societies in Europe), where he is responsible for assessing the impact of air pollution on different health outcomes under a range of decarbonisation scenarios, with a particular interest in vulnerable populations. The aim of the project is to capture the health co-benefits stemming resulting from climate change mitigation.

Línies de recerca

  • Social and life course epidemiology
  • Health inequalities
  • Air pollution and health
  • Co-benefits of climate change mitigation

Publicacions principals

  • Sieber, S., Roquet, A., Lampraki, C., Jopp, D.S. (2023) “Multimorbidity and Quality of Life: The mediating role of ADL, IADL, Loneliness and Depressive Symptoms”, Innovation in Aging.
  • Sieber, S., Orsholits, D., Cheval, B., Ihle, A., Kelly-Irving, M., Delpierre, C., Burton-Jeangros, C., Cullati, S. (2022) “Social protection expenditure on health in later life in 20 European countries: Spending more to reduce health inequalities”, Social Science & Medicine.
  • Sieber, S., Cheval, B., Orsholits, D., van der Linden, BWA., Guessous, I., Gabriel, R., Kliegel, M., von Arx, M., Kelly-Irving, M., Aartsen, M., Boisgontier, M.P., Courvoisier, D.S., Burton-Jeangros, C., Cullati, S. (2020) “Do Welfare Regimes Moderate Cumulative Dis/advantages Over the Life Course? Cross-National Evidence from Longitudinal SHARE Data”, Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 10.1093/geronb/gbaa036
  • Baranyi, G., Sieber, S., Cullati, S., Pearce, J., Dibben, C., Courvoisier, D. (2019) “The Longitudinal Association of Perceived Neighborhood Disorder and Lack of Social Cohesion With Depression Among Adults Aged 50 and Over: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis From 16 High-Income Countries”, American Journal of Epidemiology.
  • Sieber, S., Cheval, B., Orsholits, D., van der Linden, BWA., Guessous, I., Gabriel, R., Kliegel, M., Aartsen, M., Boisgontier, M.P., Courvoisier, D.S., Burton-Jeangros, C., Cullati, S. (2019) “Welfare regimes modify the association of disadvantaged adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with self-rated health in old age”, International Journal of Epidemiology.
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