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Equip ISGlobal

Ioar Rivas

Ioar Rivas

Associated Researcher (External)

Ioar Rivas has a degree in Environmental Sciences (2008) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and she obtained her PhD degree in Environmental Science and Technology from the UAB in 2015. In October 2011 she joined the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL – now ISGlobal) and the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) to conduct research for her PhD in the BREATHE project. Her PhD focused in the characterization of the air quality and children’s exposure to several air pollutants in indoor and outdoor school’s environments.

She worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the United Kingdom, at the University of Surrey (2016) and the King’s College London (2017-2019). During this period, she gained knowledge and experience on environmental epidemiology.

Currently, her work focus not only on the assessment of the exposure to but also on the health impacts of air pollutants.

She came back to ISGlobal in November 2019. She is currently coordinating the environmental part of the Barcelona Life Study Cohort (BiSC), a birth cohort led by Jordi Sunyer, with the aim to study the impacts of prenatal exposure to air pollution on children’s neurodevelopment and other health outcomes.

Línies de recerca

  •  Air pollution
  •  Child health

Publicacions principals

  • I. Rivas, D.C.S. Beddows, F. Amato, D.C. Green, L. Järvi, C. Hueglin, C. Reche, H. Timonen, G.W. Fuller, J. Niemi, N. Pérez, M. Aurela, P.K. Hopke, A. Alastuey, M. Kulmala, R.M. Harrison, X. Querol, F.J. Kelly (2020). Source apportionment of particle number size distribution in urban background and traffic stations in four European cities. Environment International, 135, 105345. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.105345.
  • I. Rivas, X. Basagaña, M. Cirach, M. López-Vicente, E. Suades-González, R. Garcia-Esteban, M. Alvarez-Pedrerol, P. Dadvand, J. Sunyer (2019). Association between early life exposure to air pollution and working memory and attention. Environmental Health Perspectives, 127 (5), 057002. doi: 10.1289/EHP3169.
  • I. Rivas, X. Querol, J. Wright, J. Sunyer (2018). How to protect brain of school children from air pollution by interventions in the school environment. Environment International 121, 199-206. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.063.
  • I. Rivas, P. Kumar, A. Hagen-Zanker (2017). Exposure to air pollutants during commuting in London: are there inequalities among different socio-economic groups? Environment International, 101, 143–157. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2017.01.019.
  • I. Rivas, M. Viana, T. Moreno, M. Pandolfi, F. Amato, C. Reche, L. Bouso, M. Àlvarez-Pedrerol, A. Alastuey, J. Sunyer, X. Querol (2014). Child exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollutants in schools in Barcelona, Spain. Environment International, 69, 200-212. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2014.04.009.
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