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Equip ISGlobal

Anne-Sophie Gresle

Anne-Sophie Gresle

Public and Patient Involvement & Patient Experience Manager

A resident of Barcelona for the past 15 years, Anne-Sophie has worked on several international multi-centric research projects related to Education and Health.

She is currently working at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health as Public and Patient Involvement in Health Research Manager, promoting the active participation of patients, caregivers and citizens into all the phases of research projects. In this context, she has coordinated together with Dra. María Jesús Pinazo, the InSPIRES project (embedded under the Responsible Research and Innovation initiative of the Innovation department, and developed in collaboration with International Health clinical department of Hospital Clinic) whose main purpose was to bring science and society closer together in order to co-create research agendas that directly respond to citizen’s needs and concerns, providing evidence and giving support to political bodies and decision-makers for the creation of better public policies. She was also actively involved in the CRISH, InnovDoctor, CALMA, and CoUp Lab projects, developed and implemented in collaboration between ISGlobal and the Hospital Clinic Barcelona.

She is also a member of the Patient Experience Observatory of the Hospital Clinic Barcelona, a platform that promotes the evaluation and incorporation of Patient Experience into the strategy and daily clinical practice. Acting transversally within the Hospital, the Observatory promotes active participation and co creation together with patients and caregivers in order to redesign healthcare according to their unmet needs. The Observatory also promotes the dissemination and application of good practices obtained in the Hospital, to innovate and improve the provision of health services, in an open and collaborative manner.

Anne-Sophie Gresle is a graduate in Business Administration at the EDHEC in France and the University of the West of England in the UK, holds a Master’s Degree in International Relations from the Barcelona Institute for International Studies, Spain. She was trained on Participatory Research as well as on Patient Experience at the French Patient Experience Institute.

Publicacions principals

  • Gresle, A. S., Urias, E., Scandurra, R., Balázs, B., Jimeno, I., de la Torre Ávila, L. and Pinazo, M. J. (2021). ‘Citizen-driven participatory research conducted through knowledge intermediary units. A thematic synthesis of the literature on “Science Shops”’. JCOM 20 (05), A02.
  • Florence Gignac, Anne-Sophie Gresle, Valeria Santoro Lamelas, Montserrat Yepes-Baldó, Leonardo de la Torre, Maria-Jesus Pinazo, the InSPIRES Consortium, Self-evaluating participatory research projects: A content validation of the InSPIRES online impact evaluation tool, Research Evaluation, Volume 30, Issue 4, October 2021, Pages 500–513,
  • Gresle AS and Pinazo MJ, A path towards strategic participatory research, EU research.
  • Escarrabill J, Jansà M, Vilardell J and Gresle AS (2021). The PIEEX-Clínic model. How participation, information, structured therapeutic education and patient experience come together in the real world. XPA & Health Com. 4 
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