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Zika Virus and Other Mosquito-Borne Viruses

Science for Preparedness and Response in the Mediterranean Region

Foto: Vincent Racaniello
23/05/2017 - 24/05/2017
CosmoCaixa Barcelona
(Isaac Newton, 26) Barcelona
Pablo Martínez de Salazar (Scientific Leader)

The global Zika epidemic alert reminds us of the real risk of importing exotic pathogens to the Mediterranean region in a rapidly changing, interconnected world. Moreover, in the last decades there have been increasing concerns on the global health burden produced by the spread of other mosquito-borne viruses including dengue, West Nile virus and chikungunya. The Mediterranean region, where the potential vector Aedes albopictus is endemic, has been recently considered as being at moderate-to-high risk of arborviral introduction. Strong public health management supported by translational research is a cornerstone for preparedness and response against this global threat that can potentially impact Mediterranean Europe.

This event, jointly organized by B·Debate, an initiative of Biocat and "la Caixa" Foundation, co-organized with the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), aims to generate a forum for an interdisciplinary and international debate bringing together experts from different backgrounds to discuss critical issues related to public health, epidemiology, entomology, virology, clinical care and diagnostics. The meeting can be followed and commented on Twitter using the hashtag #BDZika.

The registration period for the B·Debate "Zika virus and other mosquito-borne viruses. Science for preparedness and response in the Mediterranean region" ends on May 22 at 12 pm.

More Information

B·Debate Website