La cerimònia de graduació marca el final dels programes de màster ISGlobal-UB 2023/2024
38 estudiants de 20 països reben els títols de màster i diploma en salut global
La Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut de la Universitat de Barcelona va vibrar d'emoció el passat 5 de juliol. Els estudiants, juntament amb les seves famílies i amics, es van reunir per celebrar la cerimònia de graduació del curs 2023/2024. Es tancaven el Màster en Salut Global, el Diploma de Fonaments en Salut Global i el Màster en Recerca Clínica: Especialitat Salut Internacional, impartits per la Universitat de Barcelona i l'Institut de Salut Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal).
La cerimònia es va obrir amb els discursos de felicitació de Núria Casamitjana, directora de Formació i Educació de ISGlobal i de Quique Bassat, director general d’ISGlobal. Tots dos van elogiar el dur treball i els innovadors projectes de recerca dels estudiants, desitjant-los èxit per al futur. Stella Evangelidou, experta en l'àrea de la salut mental, va pronunciar un discurs encoratjador amb analogies de la mitologia grega.
El discurs de comiat va ser a càrrec de Robert Newman, director executiu d’AMP Health. En ell va abordar la seva trajectòria personal en el camp de la salut global, amb valuoses lliçons per als acabats de llicenciar.
Bailey Crowley, Carolyn Pine, Naeema Hussein El Kout, Anete Mendes Muxlhanga i Logan Carter van representar els estudiants i van compartir les seves experiències amb humor i gratitud.
Després dels discursos, es van lliurar els títols de Màster i Diploma a 38 estudiants: 19 del Màster en Salut Global, inclosos dos del Programa de Màster tropEd; un del Diploma en Fonaments de la Salut Global; i 18 del Màster en Recerca Clínica: Especialitat Salut Internacional.
36 estudiants van presentar amb èxit els seus projectes finals el mes de juliol sobre una àmplia gamma de temes de salut global, que van des de la ciència bàsica a les avaluacions de l'impacte en la salut.
"Estem orgullosos de l'excel·lent progrés i recerca que els estudiants han fetdurant l'últim any", va expressarNúria Casamitjana. "Estan, sens dubte, ben equipats per afrontar els reptes crítics de salut global al món".
Master of Clinical Research: International Health track
- Development of a lateral flow assay to detect anti-malaria antibodies in pregnant women for surveillance applications
- Studying the progression of afebrile malaria through Plasmodium falciparum molecular and serological analysis
- Determinants of increased antenatal viral load and its association with adverse pregnancy outcomes in African pregnant women living with HIV
- Socio-demographic and clinical determinants of teen club attendance and impact on health outcomes and adherence among adolescents living with HIV in Eswatini: A retrospective cohort study
- Post COVID syndrome and sleep breathing disorder association
- Influence of sociodemographic and mental health factors over mobility in Catalonia during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Acute kidney injury prevalence, and associated factors in patients with Lassa Fever: Insights from a prospective cohort study conducted in Nigeria (LASCOPE)
- Impact of transition from Efavirenz (EFV) to Dolutegravir (DTG) based antiretroviral therapy on metabolic disorders and liver function in adults with HIV: A retrospective cohort study in Eswatini
- Clinical features of Noma: A systematic review and meta analysis of individual patient data in case reports
- The value of healthy aging: A modeling tool to look at the economic impact of non-market activities in older populations
- Healthcare access and determinants of under-5 mortality in Sub-Saharan-Africa: A systematic literature review
- Identifying unmet sexual and reproductive health needs among women in the Mavrovouni refugee camp on Lesvos, Greece: A quantitative analysis of access, demand, and service availability
- Effect of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as intermittent preventive treatment of malaria on antiretroviral drugs in pregnant African women living with HIV
- The association between indirect exposure to nature and self-perceived stress among the adults in Barcelona and the influence of connectedness to nature
- Screening for depression with migrants in primary health care: a systematic review
- The role of gender, age and rurality in Benzodiazepine consumption in Catalonia. (2018 - 2022): A drug utilization study
- Epidemiological analysis of treatment tolerability and health outcomes in Chagas Disease: Insights from Salta, Argentina
Master of Global Health / tropEd Master of Global Health
- Evaluating pandemic preparedness: a comparative analysis of international monitoring and evaluation frameworks
- Designing a research protocol to evaluate healthcare workers´ preferences towards hospital antimicrobial resistance (AMR) interventions in Mozambique and Guyana (REVERSE)
- Incorporation of intercultural health within six Latin American countries: A literature review
- Diabetes in Nigeria and Burkina Faso: burden, health system response and humanitarian action
- Knowledge, attitudes and practices on noma among health practitioners in Zambezia province, Mozambique
- Closing the Gap: Examining primary care Hepatitis B virus referral adequacy
- Community dental services for underserved communities: A scoping review of literature
- A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on a transport infrastructure proposal in the natural park and urban areas of La Garrotxa region, Spain
- Health impact of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in homes of older adults:A scoping review
- New urban models, a review on their quantitative impact on health and health determinants
- Association between armed conflict and access to child health services in Burkina Faso
- Translating Brazil’s Bolsa Familia cash transfer program to the Mozambican context: A policy recommendation
- Review of the evidence on immunisation and seroprevalence of polio, hepatitis A and hepatitis B in migrant populations: Vaccination coverage mapping, systematic review of seroprevalence data, and survey
- Understanding the immunisation of measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus in migrants. World maps, a systematic review, and survey
- Examining the role of intersectional stigma on barriers to HIV prevention services experienced by immigrant sexual minority men in Spain and the U.S.
- Determinants putting infants less than 6 months of age at risk of poor growth and development: A systematic review
- Community-based Hepatitis B screening for migrants and refugees in the EU/EEA (and Switzerland): A review of models of care
- Barriers and enablers for the detection of female genital mutilation among migrant women at primary health care
- Maternal factors related to perinatal asphyxia deaths: a subanalysis from the CHAMPS network. From sources to systems and survival