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Dr. Manuel Corachán: The Books That Changed My Life

13.00 h
Aula 15 - Manuel Corachán, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Campus Clínic), University of Barcelona
(Casanova, 143) Barcelona
Manuel Corachán (UB) / Núria Casamitjana (ISGlobal)

Books are –or should be– crucial to anyone’s personal and professional growth. This is the third year that we commemorate Sant Jordi’s Day by inviting a renowned expert. Dr. Manuel Corachán, who has been an outstanding pioneer on tropical medicine, will comment on the books that were crucial for him to build his extraordinary medical career and shaped his ethical and political view of the world. "Six books that have opened my eyes to what is significant and real in the historical relationship between our western civilization and others in the South and the East," he pointed out.

The session will be introduced and facilitated by Núria Casamitjana, ISGlobal Training and Education Director.

Manuel Corachán Cuyás

Medical doctor (University of Barcelona) and writer, specialized in tropical medicine. During his broad medical career, he worked in Ghana, Tanzania and Papua New Guinea for over 12 years. Upon his return to Barcelona in 1984 he founded the first hospital department in Spain specialized in “imported diseases”. Therefrom he continued his teaching and research activities in Mozambique, Tanzania and Sao Tome.

Associate professor at the University of Barcelona, he was also invited professor at various European universities. Founder of the Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, he was the president of the European Association of Research Institutes in Tropical Medicine.

He has published several books such as Health and travel: a practical guide (1993), The global traveler: health tips for travelling safely (coauthored with Joaquim Gascon, 2002) and History of Precolonial Africa (2013).