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Decolonizing Global Health in the COVID-19 Age: From Symbols to Systems

Decolonizing Global Health in the COVID-19 Age: From Symbols to Systems, A Session with Dr Renzo Guinto

Foto: Towfiqu Barbhuiya / Unsplash
11.30 - 13.30 h CET
Dr Renzo Guinto

On 25 March, Dr Renzo Guinto will speak in a session titled "Decolonizing Global Health in the COVID-19 Age: From Symbols to Systems". It is an open online event. You can register for free by filling in this form

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Session Abstract

This session will provide an overview of the evolving discourse around decolonizing the field of global health. Themes that will be covered include: introduction to the decolonial lens; colonial roots of today’s global health; colonial attitudes and behaviors in global health research, education, policy, and practice; and new opportunities and potential solutions towards decolonizing global health in the age of COVID-19, including the emerging paradigm of planetary health.

Dr Renzo Guinto

Renzo Guinto, MD DrPH is the Chief Planetary Health Scientist and Co-Founder of the newly established Sunway Centre for Planetary Health in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Concurrently, he is the Associate Professor of the Practice of Global Public Health and Inaugural Director of the Planetary and Global Health Program of the St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine in the Philippines. He is also a member of the National Panel of Technical Experts of the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines, and convener of Planetary Health Philippines – a community of Filipino planetary health advocates, scholars, and practitioners for exchanging ideas, forging collaborations, and advancing the new discipline of planetary health.

An Obama Foundation Asia-Pacific Leader and Aspen Institute New Voices Fellow, Renzo is a member of several international groups including: Lancet–Chatham House Commission on Improving Population Health post COVID-19 (University of Cambridge); Lancet One Health Commission (University of Oslo); Advisory Council of Global Health 50/50 (University College London); Advisory Board of Climate Cares (Imperial College London); and Climate Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems Thematic Working Group of Health Systems Global. Renzo has served as consultant for various organizations including: World Health Organization; WHO Foundation; World Bank; USAID; GIZ; ASEAN; International Organization for Migration; Health Care Without Harm; and Philippine Department of Health. He also sits on the editorial boards of The Lancet Planetary Health; PLOS Global Public Health; Journal of Climate Change and Health; and Journal of Migration and Health. Renzo obtained his Doctor of Public Health from Harvard University and Doctor of Medicine from the University of the Philippines Manila.

He has traveled to and lectured in nearly 60 countries and 100 universities across the world; published more than 150 articles in scientific journals, books, and popular media; and directed and produced short films that communicate the message of planetary healing to the world. In 2020, Renzo was included by Tatler Magazine in its Gen. T List of 400 leaders of tomorrow who are shaping Asia’s future.