- Durada
- 30/12/2024 - 29/12/2026
- Coordinador
- Carlota Sáenz de Tejada
- Finançadors
- Ajuntament de Barcelona
The B-COOL@HOME project will shed light on the associations between heat exposure in the home and the physical, cognitive and economic capabilities of older adults, as well as their health experiences, perceptions and strategies to protect themselves from excess heat.
Through a mixed methods approach, the complex relationship between heat exposure and vulnerability is addressed in a sample of older adults who live alone in apartment buildings in the city of Barcelona and do not have air conditioning (A/C). With a strong quantitative component (monitoring of indoor environmental quality, use of climate models and questionnaires on health symptoms), this study also incorporates a qualitative and participatory dimension through focus groups and co-creation processes to overcome prescriptive approaches and propose measures that are feasible and adapted to the physical, cognitive and financial abilities of this population group.
The study will follow-up over 2 summers: The first summer (2025) will be observational (monitoring temperature, humidity, and self-reported health perception and symptoms), while the second summer (2026) will be interventional. The interventions will be co-created with participants, including both behavioural measures (nutrition, drinking fluids, restriction of physical activity or modification of ventilation habits) and low-cost techniques/materials (use of fans, installation of blinds or solar protection films for windows). The effectiveness of these interventions in reducing indoor temperatures and improving reported health will be evaluated.
These results will constitute fundamental knowledge on how to empower older adults in their homes to protect themselves from heat and prevent/mitigate its related health effects, thus contributing to current efforts to “age in place” with dignity in the city of Barcelona in a context of climate change, population ageing and increasing risk of energy poverty.
Total Funding
Our Team
Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Investigadora postdoctoral
ISGlobal Team
Natalie Mueller Assistant Research Professor
Sílvia Borràs Staff Scientist
Arianna Bruguera Tècnica d'investigació
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