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Trends in Premature Mortality Rates and Progress Towards the UN Development Goals

12.00 h.
Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRNN), Marie Curie Room
(Doctor Aiguader, 88) Barcelona
Amy Berrington de González (NCI)

Amy Berrington de González, from the Nation Cancer Institute (Bethesda, USA) will give a talk entitled: "Trends in premature mortality rates and progress towards the UN Development Goals". 

Dr. Berrington de González received a D.Phil. in Cancer Epidemiology from the University of Oxford. She was on the faculty at the University of Oxford and then Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health before moving to the Radiation Epidemiology Branch at NCI in 2008. She was awarded NIH scientific tenure in 2012, and was promoted to Branch Chief in 2014. Dr. Berrington de González is currently serving on two radiation risk committees for the National Academy of Science and previously served on the UK Health Protection Agency's Advisory Group on Ionising Radiation, and the UK Breast Screening Programme's Advisory Group