European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects

- Duration
- 2008-2012
- Coordinator
- Bert Brunekreef, Holanda
- Funded by
- European Comission
ESCAPE will make measurements of airborne particulate matter and nitrogen oxides in selected regions in Europe. It will measure the chemical composition of the collected particles and it will store samples for future chemical and toxicological analyses. Escape will focus on four categories of cohort studies:
Pregnancy outcome and birth cohort studies
Studies on respiratory disease in adults
Studies on cardiovascular disease in adults
Studies on cancer incidence and mortality.
ESCAPE responds to a specific FP7 call for a large collaborative project in the Environment and Health program. The call asks for research within existing cohorts among children as well as elderly adults as sensitive groups, and it asks to consider the role of other environmental exposures such as noise, and of biomarkers and gene-environment interactions. Whereas ESCAPE will focus, as requested, on air pollution and to a lesser extent traffic noise exposures, studies have been included which contain a wealth of data on other exposures (e.g. drinking water contaminants), on biomarkers and on genetics.
ESCAPE will actively engage stakeholder organizations and policy makers so that results can be swiftly translated to support policy development and implementation.
Our Team
Principal Investigator (PI)
Jordi Sunyer Research Professor
Our Team
Emmanouil Kogevinas
Marta Cirach Pradas GIS Technician
Marius Joannes Nieuwenhuijsen
Xavier Basagaña Research Professor
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