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Co-CReating Innovative Solutions for Health

Joan Escarrabill (Hospital Clinic)
EIT Health, H2020 programme

CRISH (Co-CReating Innovative Solutions for Health) main objective is to bring together key stakeholders of the health sectors, including patients, who will learn to co-create innovative processes, products or services that will promote/improve the health of populations through the identification of unmet needs.

CRISH is an original short course that will provide knowledge, skills and tools on patient experience methodology (XPA), responsible research and innovation components (RRI), entrepreneurship elements (ENT) and reciprocity and co-design methods (RcD) to a variety of health stakeholders. CRISH is a multidisciplinary course aiming at fostering a better collaboration among disciplines and specialties in order to jointly anticipate and address emerging trends on health and ageing.

By actively involving patient & citizens, we will “promote healthy living”. CRISH will contribute to improving health literacy by working with end-users. As up to 60% of elderly population is suffering from two or more chronic diseases, we will pay special attention to chronically ill patients and older citizens to contribute to “supporting active ageing”. We will train health professionals, home caregivers & researchers in identifying, together with patients, critical points for future research, re-design of clinical services through the patient experience methodology, and identify ideas in order to pursue the development of innovative solutions. This will significantly contribute to “improving healthcare”.

CRISH is part of Professional and Executive Education within CAMPUS pillar of EIT Health. It provides appropriate training to professionals, who can increase the number of healthcare professionals and improve the services they provide, and is also designed to executives in mind, that can build the knowledge of key managers in healthcare, and all other fields.

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